Friday, August 3, 2012

Going Home!

It’s been 65 days since I last saw the U.S., and tonight I begin my journey home.  The hardest part of this process, undoubtedly, is saying goodbye.  My mom said one time, “When you just know so many people, you have to say bye to so many, too.”  And she’s right.

Tonight at 11 p.m., I’ll leave from our “farewell dinner” in Heredia to downtown San José in order to board the bus to Panamá.  After a very short 36 hours with beloved friends there, I’ll arrive back in Louisville, Kentucky, for what (I hope) will be a delicious dinner across the table from my most-missed parents!

As this time can be accurately described as “bitter-sweet,” it still has a sweet part nonetheless.  I get to sleep in my own bed, see my friends and family, and eat all the JIF peanut butter and Oreos I want!  All shows and movies will be in English without subtitles, and I’ll drink all the ice water my body can handle.  I, also, won’t have to think so hard during a conversation, and eavesdropping will be much easier!  (I mean, it’s just something you really notice when you’re in a foreign country…)  So, let me make it clear, I’m thrilled to be going home!

But at the same time, it’s not easy.  Last night, I was thinking about all the people Jesus met and how he related to them.  He was undoubtedly caring, patient and generous with every person who came to Him out of love, but how did He handle saying goodbye to them?  The obvious answer is He knew He was going to see them again, right?

And so, there are a lot of people I have to say goodbye to, and honestly, I probably won’t see them again on earth—but I’ll see them one day.  What a great joy to know as one leaves the country!  To the many brothers and sisters from El Valle, Costa Rica and the States that I have met over the past couple months, I’ll see you again one day.
But when reality strikes, I have to realize that not every person I know and care about down here has accepted Christ.  As I leave this country (and soon Panamá as well), I must pray hard—just as anyone should—for the people I care about.  And so, here it goes:

God, I thank you for the incredible experience I’ve had in Central America this summer.  Thank for the people I met, the conversations I had, the lives you touched through me, and the people (because of You) who touched me.  There are so many people here, at home, and everywhere that need to begin a relationship with you, and I pray they will!  Father, use me to brighten this world as you’ve commanded us to do.  I hope the seeds that have been planted will take root and start growing into strong, firm sources of faith.  Continue to guide me and be patient with me when I get lost in this life.  Help me to never forget that my real Home is with You.  I love you… Joshua.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Overwhelming as usual -- in a good way.

The other night, we stood in front of our house watching lightning coming from one of the three volcanoes that surround our city (you read that right).  The other night, we saw a sloth literally dangling from a telephone cable (that one, too).  And this weekend we’re going to a rain forest where there are glow-in-the-dark mushrooms (ditto).

I'm currently "borrowing" Keith's photo from the beach at Manuel Antonio to show another wonderful nature scene from here in Costa Rica:

The question so frequently on the front of our minds is: are Costa Ricans so used to nature that they take it for granted?  I mean, you can’t hide from it.  You have to get used to it, right?

For us Kentucky college students living down here, we still aren’t used to the natural surprises every corner brings.  In fact, I love it so much I wish I could take home photos, paintings and maybe even actual parts of the landscape with me from here.  Today we found the most precious man who sits on a step in downtown San José painting beautiful works of Costa Rican life.  He can’t read; he can’t write, but he sure can paint.  (Don’t worry, we took home some proof.)

While we were talking to this gentleman, a young Costa Rican (or tico) man came up to us, and (in English—they can always tell we’re not from around here!) he started talking about how talented this older man was but that no one ever buys from him.  So we continued talking to this other guy as well (mainly Keith, he was excited to talk in English, I think).  Through the Spirit of God, Keith poured so much love into this young man!  He shared his testimony and prayed fervently with him.

After we finished our nearly-3-hour-long conversations with our new friends Manuel and the painter José, we arrived at our host home for the night.  At dinner, our host mom proceeded to tell us all sorts of stories...

Her son Christian (our tico bro!) was supposed to be a twin, but the other didn’t make it.  She told us that she just cried and cried forever, and one day she realized that she wasn’t rejoicing for the birth of her son that was alive!  She spent so much time mourning the loss of the one that never lived outside her womb, that she hadn’t thanked the Lord for the one was breathing and healthy.

After that, she told me that every morning while in the shower she prays for the entire time.  When she’s feeling the presence of the water, she feels the closest to God.  She pointed out that water is a gift from God, and as simple as it seems, it’s so incredibly powerful.  Alba (our host mom) doesn’t need the volcanoes, colorful birds or glorified nightlights made out of fungus.  She just needs…water.

And every time she prays without fail, she weeps for her mother who passed away a few years ago.  As someone who didn’t have much contact with her father growing up, she said she can’t say much for a dad.  But according to her, losing a mom is the worst feeling in the world because her mother was her best friend.

Well, today is my mom’s birthday (July 25th at least, who knows when I’ll finally post this entry).  Alba reminded me how lucky I am to be able to video chat with my mom on her birthday, and wanted me to specifically tell her, “I wish many more happy years for her!  God bless her!”

So many things happened today, I don’t even know if this post could possibly make sense…I think all I can take out of it is this: see God in the little things as much as the big ones, take every chance you get to share the love of Christ with someone, and love your mom.

Happy Birthday Mom!  I love you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Change that attitude!

Oh, hello, rain forest.
Just yesterday, a few of us from our summer program traveled to a nutrition center to paint a classroom (not pictured above, I just wanted to show that photo from our trip last weekend).  We had to get up fairly early as usual, and take a 45-minute bus ride to this little building which serves a healthy breakfast and lunch to nearby preschool-age children.  Because it was early, we all had lots of homework (we have final exams today), and it was far too long of a trip to take so early in the morning, admittedly, very few of us were excited to go.

I was not the only one that considered skipping in order to sleep in a bit.  But I found some self-discipline within me, and I went anyways.  There were only about 10 of us, everyone was super eager to serve, sing along with the music and even get splattered by lots of paint.  My host mom even picked all the dried paint out of my hair for me—how nice!

As the morning went along and my mood improved, I realized just how terrible of an attitude I had.  When I was in Panamá doing “mission work,” why would I have complained?  But now that I have an opportunity to serve under the supervision of an academic institution with friends and fellow students, it’s apparently okay to be grumpy about it.

Thankfully, though, I don’t think God considers “mission work” any holier or more sanctified than general service if both are done with the same intentions—to love God and love people.
I’ve realized how often I have a good attitude about attending church, leading a bible study, praying with friends or going on a mission trip.  But then I try to get out of other activities, complain about going to work, and definitely dread the thought of going to class.  But in God’s eyes, does the “mission” end when the plane lands back in the States?  Does sharing the gospel stop when the freshmen bible study is over?  Am I finished worshipping upon the closing prayer?

Plane flights, service projects, memory verses, church camps, worship services, matching t-shirts and bible studies are great, but they are not the trip.  They aren’t even the mission.

Spreading the love of the Kingdom is our mission, and life is our trip.  It started upon my rebirth and it finishes when I go Home.  Today is another day to serve and love, and tomorrow is, too.  When I return to Panamá, Louisville, and Lexington, I’ll be living the same mission; I’ll be on the same trip.

Now that’s what I’ve always wanted…a mission trip that never had to end!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lesson learned.

This weekend we traveled to the beach, and after many hours on a bus, many hours at the ocean, a few hours white water rafting this morning and lots of sun, I am beat!  But it was such an incredible weekend!  In the wild, we saw toucans, spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, iguanas, sloths, crocodiles, frogs, a snake eating a frog and thousands of crabs of all shapes, colors and sizes.

We were definitely immersed in creation this weekend (as that’s pretty normal here in Costa Rica).  It’s amazing how after being in Central America for over a month, I have gotten used to the scenery, but I never get used to the awe.

Even beyond creation, I must learn to never count out what God has in store.  Last Wednesday night, some of us had the opportunity to go meet a bunch of teenagers for a bible study.  It reminded me so much of my fellas in Panamá who I miss so much.  At the end of the discussion, one of the leaders gave some of the soundest advice I’ve ever heard.

She explained to the youth that one must be a disciple or a follower of Christ before he or she must do anything else.  She told them that they don’t have to act or think or dress or feel any different in order to follow Him.  It was after they started following Him, that change comes.

I began wondering… how many times do I assume we must be at a certain point in our lives before we can follow Jesus?  Do I live as though anyone is welcome to make that decision?

Then I took it more personally… I’ve made the decision to follow Jesus.  And with that decision, with being a follower of Christ, I should look more like Him.  Over time, I must start believing and doing things the way He would do them—constantly growing and becoming more holy.  I’ve realized that I must put comfort and complacency to rest, for a life plagued by those focuses more on the mold itself than the Person that’s molding it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Always, continually, no matter what.

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
I’m still alive…I promise.  As we say in Costa Rica, “perdón” for taking so long to post again!
Since I last posted, I spent my last days in Panamá with a group of Texans, and what an interesting experience that was!  It was so neat (and exhausting) being on the host-end of a mission team.  I met so many wonderful new people, and it was so encouraging to see the way they pulled their own unique gifts together to serve the community of El Valle and its neighbors.

 As my time in Panamá came to end, I was incredibly challenged to rejoice in the Lord regardless of my circumstances!  (That’s a fancy way of saying: I didn’t want to leave, but I had to, so I praised God anyways.)
I then embarked on definitely the most adventurous 30 hours of my life.  I traveled by bus from El Valle to Panama City, and then from the city to San José, Costa Rica.  I literally walked across the Panamá-Costa Rica border, and I took a taxi all the way to my host home midday on Saturday.  Within a few hours, a friendly face (more commonly referred to as Keith Slayden) arrived, and what an exciting time we are having here!
On our first full day, we visited Volcán Poás, but I forgot my camera at the home!  (Note to self: remember your camera.)  Today, we had our first day of classes, wandered through the mall, and safely took the bus home (for the first time by ourselves).  Here is part of our group in the Heredia town square.  We get to spend 6 weeks with some awesome individuals!  I look forward to getting to know them better.

 We have also been so blessed by a wonderful host family (and we sure are eating well!), and we are in great hands here in Costa Rica.  The hardest part has been adjusting from life in Panamá to life here.  Geographically, both are incredibly different, and even the people are different, but primarily, it’s been shifting from organized missions work to doing life here as a student as a missionary.  Honestly, I don’t have much wisdom to share with this challenge…I can only anticipate improvement with time.
I do know that as Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, no matter what is going on, I must be joyful, pray and thank the Lord.  Whether I’m soaking up creation, laughing with my host mom or studying with another student, God asks for my attention.  And I encourage you to ask God to show you how to live that way.  Maybe He’ll show you someone who is living this out already.
Beg that he would give you opportunities to show joy, the energy to pray without ceasing, and the humility to thank Him for everything…always.  I’m already praying it for you.  Good luck!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Feliz Día del Padre

So much is happening, I just wish someone would follow me around a make a documentary of my life…I’m not sure who would watch it, but if you’re reading this entry, I guess you’ve been a pretty supportive friend thus far.  Since I last posted, too many things have happened, but the main great thing was this past Friday night: the first ever “lock-in” for the youth group.  But sorry, girls, this one was Man’s Night.  (This picture is not from Man's Night, obviously, but it shows you some of the guys that were there...)

We definitely played games, ate food and watched The Blindside (heads up: Sandra Bullock’s southern draw doesn’t cross languages).  But the highlights for me were the devotionals we had.  We studied the Beatitudes that night, and for these boys, it was the first time they’d ever heard of them.
Emmanuel (one of the young leaders in the church here), two other American guys who visited us this week, and I each took 2 verses and led discussions on them.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
                ~ Matthew 5:3-10
We discussed how these verses aren’t instructions or rules for us, but rather Jesus simply describing what a holy person looks like.  And it was then I realized that while these seven boys have never really studied these eight verses, they can live them.
They understand poverty because they live in it.  They are some of the most humble and loving boys I’ve ever met.  They crave righteousness because they know what it’s like to go hungry.  They want to be peaceful because being called a son of God is the greatest promise they’ve ever heard.
You see, some of these boys have never met their fathers.  Three brothers know their dad, but he more or less comes home often enough to get their mom pregnant.  Some do have adad at home, but they’re not biologically related.
For everyone, Father’s Day can mean something completely different, but in a place like Panamá (where they, too, celebrated Father’s Day today), it can seem downright meaningless—but not to these boys.   They have a Father.  And they have a church family with many dads who step up and treat these boys as their own.  So for today, they wrote them all notes, thanking them for being their “dads.”
Just like so many down here, I didn’t see my dad this Father’s Day either.  But I am lucky enough to know mine and be his son.  Happy Father’s Day, Dad, and to all of you dads!  And to each of you reading this blog, rejoice in our heavenly Father!  He is longing to be with you.

Friday, June 15, 2012

He is present!

“The Lord said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’  Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.  After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.  And after the fire came a gentle whisper.  When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” – 1 Kings 19:11-13

We have a lot going on here in Panamá; there’s not a lot of resting to do.  Last night, a friend came over to cook us an authentic Panamanian dinner!  Tonight, all the teenage boys in the church are coming over for a lock-in.  Tomorrow, a group from a church in Texas is arriving for a week, and then on Sunday, we’ll have church and start a week full of projects and activities for the community here in El Valle all over again.

Just like at home in the States, it is so easy to get preoccupied with the next big thing happening.  There is always something to be doing and preparing for.  Tomorrow can always take our attention away.

When you come on a week-long trip, you are working constantly.  You are always doing something, but then after some time, it comes to an end and you go home.  When you live in a foreign country as a career missionary (or whatever you want to call them), you are constantly preparing for the next group, the next project, the next Bible study, or whatever comes next—just like a pastor at a church would anywhere.

But God doesn’t always come in the big things, and frankly, if we only live for the major events in life, we will miss the comfort of the Lord in the little moments.

Yes, God is present in the church services, bible studies and short-term mission trips, but he is also present (and maybe more so) in the simple conversations, personal quiet times, and general tasks that make up a normal day.  I cannot miss the gentle whisper for the earthquakes and fires.  He is present; I must simply be with Him.